What areas do you service? This is a common question that we receive.

North Coast Design serve the entirety of Western Australia (as well as the occasional interstate project). Although our work is predominately around the Peel region and South of the river, we complete a variety of projects throughout WA. We complete Building Design in Esperance and surrounds.
How is this feasible? Not all projects require a site visit! Often we can obtain sufficient information online or from local consultants that we do not require a site visit. This may be a survey provided from a local land surveyor (such as LPD Surveys), or a Dial Before You Dig Search.
Client meetings can then be completed over the phone, or through Zoom / Teams… Of course sometimes a site visit may be most suitable or it is preferred by the client. We have the capabilities and staff to arrange this as required.
North Coast Design completed architectural and structural drafting and design in both the residential and commercial sectors. Whether it be a new home, renovation, commercial fitout or commercial building, we can help. We offer free advice and are always happy to discuss your project.
This week (08/08/2022), one of our staff attended Esperance for a future childcare centre. We can’t release any information on this at this stage however we are looking forward to working on this project with the client.
Childcare centre design is a strong niche of ours as there are few designers that are familiar with the requirements whether it be for an addition or new centre.
It is always nice for our staff to get out of the office and onto site, particularly when it means having the ability to travel away.
Regardless of where you are located, if you would like to discuss your project then please contact us today.